One of KPOs knowledge enhancement initiatives is the “Hope on Wheels” Walk public event that is held annually with the objective of changing the physical and social character and attitudes of communities. towards making changes that ensure that people with disabilities have physical access to buildings and other spaces that are used by the public, as well as changes to ensure their access to social services such as employment, education, the functions of government, health, gainful employment and full civic participation, with respect for their rights.
In 2016 this event was held in 3 counties besides Nairobi.
The broad objectives of “Hope on Wheels” event were;-
- To activate awareness on disability prevention care, treatment and support. The more awareness is enhanced amongst the public, both amongst the rights holders and duty bearers, (policy and decision makers and service providers) the more prevention, treatment care and support of disability will be mainstreamed in public development.
- To increase access to data and statistics expanding the ability to ensure that programmes are targeting the areas of greatest need. The development and dissemination of such data, as well as knowledge including good practices, lessons learned, and sources of expertise, will assist all actors in the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at the local, national and international levels.
- To provide the opportunity for state and non-state actors, human rights and development actors to actively engage and effectively integrate and elucidate how all categories of rights apply to persons with disabilities, identify practical measures to create development programmes that are inclusive of, available, accessible, affordable, and acceptable to persons with disability; with quality being an essential cross cutting element. New and innovative thinking and collaboration are required so as to bring the maximum benefit to persons with disabilities and society.
Baringo County
The Ministry of Gender, Youth, Sports, Culture and social services in collaboration with Kenyan Paraplegic organization (KPO), and guided by the theme of the event, “Mind the survivor’s spinal injury and related disabilities”, held the Hope on Wheels event on September 3rd 2016 at Kabarnet town. Various activities were carried out during the event including; A wheel walk by PWDs, interactive sessions and dialogue with County duty bearers on mainstreaming of PWDs issues in social services, educative theatre performances, key note speakers from invited guests, awareness messaging by stakeholders such as the Road traffic, Health personnel, County specific updates on PWDs interventions, best practices and challenges, information on PWDs services including microenterprise support and devolved funds from the Line Ministries and statistics and data from the Kenya National Census Department on PWDs. The event attracted key stakeholders during the event e.g. departments at the county i.e. of Gender, Youth, Sports, Culture and social services, Health, Education, PWD, Traffic police and Administration police. Other key stakeholders included faith based organizations, boda boda groups, schools; both exclusive and integrated ones, Kenya Red Cross Society and the general public.
Bungoma County
During the event, the Ministry of Gender and Culture in collaboration with Kenyan Paraplegic organization (KPO), and guided by the theme of the event, “Mind the survivor’s spinal injury and related disabilities”, held the Hope on Wheels event on September 17th 2016 at the Bungoma Posta Grounds. Various activities were carried out A wheel walk by PWDs, interactive sessions and dialogue with County duty bearers on mainstreaming of PWDs issues in social services, educative theatre performances, key note speakers from invited guests, awareness messaging by stakeholders such as the Road traffic Department, transport and Communication departments, building and construction Departments, Health personnel, County specific updates on PWDs interventions, best practices and challenges, information on PWDs services including microenterprise support and devolved funds from the Line Ministries and statistics and data from the Kenya National Census Department on PWDs. It was notable that the Beyond Zero Campaign provided health services during the event to the participants thereby integrating services into the main agenda. Key stakeholders who attended the event included the Line Ministry of departments at the county i.e. Gender and Culture, Social Development, Department of children, Education, NCPWD, Traffic police and Administration police. Other key stakeholders included faith based organizations (Muslim and Christian), boda boda groups, schools; both exclusive and integrated ones, Kenya Red Cross Society, media houses among others.
Laikipia County
The entry point was the Ministry of Education, ICT and Social Development to introduce the Hope on Wheels activity agenda and solicit for goodwill in participation fi the County in the event. The CECM welcomed the event as important to sensitize the public on prevention of disability, care and support of persons living with disability.Various activities were carried out during the event including; A wheel walk by PWDs, interactive sessions and dialogue with County duty bearers on mainstreaming of PWDs issues in social services, educative theatre performances, key note speakers from invited guests, awareness messaging by stakeholders such as the Road traffic Department, transport and Communication departments, building and construction Departments, Health personnel, County specific updates on PWDs interventions, best practices and challenges, information on PWDs services including microenterprise support and devolved funds from the Line Ministries and statistics and data from the Kenya National Census Department on PWDs. It was notable that the Beyond Zero Campaign provided health services during the event to the participants thereby integrating services into the main agenda. Key stakeholders during the event included departments at the county i.e. Education, ICT and Social Development, NCPWD, Traffic police and Administration police. Other key stakeholders included faith based organizations (Muslim and Christian), schools; both exclusive and integrated ones, Kenya Red Cross Society, media houses among others.
- The public also had the interactive opportunity to hold the duty bearers, service providers, policy and decision makers accountable to the mainstreaming development programmes carried out at County specific levels. There were presentations especially from County Disability Networks on challenges that are being experienced for instance in accessing funds for Youth Women’s and PWDs, physical accessibility to health, education and employment opportunities etc. the Counties CECM were able to respond appropriately and agree on forward meetings and interactions with the networks. For instance, in Nairobi County, Her Excellency the First Lady informed that the County Government had plans of establishing a disability responsive public transport system.
- The Counties also had a profile of the PWDs CIGs and DPOs as well as other key stakeholders in the County. This formed a wealth of local resources and synergies that can be harnessed to move forward the County efforts in disability mainstreaming.
- Through the project, KPO has received a total of five donations of assistive devices (4 wheelchairs from Moi Girls School Nairobi and 1 wheel chair lift from Faulu Foundation).