The Overall Strategy
An integrated approach using participatory approaches that strengthens the capacity of community based organization structures to facilitate effective participation of PWDs, women and youth in development through (i) Capacity Building (ii) Advocacy and (iii) Strategic Alliances
Women and Youth, Gender and Development, Environment and Food Security, Health and Education
Overall goal
To contribute to Improved livelihoods for PWDs, women and youth
Strategic objective: To promote individual and community resilience for appropriate care, opportunities for development and social protection
Peer sessions (IEC, counselling and theater sessions, IEC materials, SRH sessions, access to social protection,-Life skills trainings, -Support with aiding devices, mentorship programs) Outreaches (Promote inclusive social and cultural activities e.g. Sports, games, cultural days, talent days, PWD beauty pageant, etc, Medical camps, disability days, HTC, Hope on Wheels walk, mother to mother support groups, community units and exchange programs) Disability prevention messaging (IEC and awareness raising sessions, road shows, Life skills trainings such as assertiveness, first aid especially at accident scene, conflict management, stress management etc, Health precautions e.g. at work place, vaccination and health screening campaigns, Collaboration with road safety organizations for awareness and prevention campaigns)Achievements
- Awareness creation on prevention, care and support to over 5000 beneficiaries through IEC material distributions and education sessions
- Outreaches for sensitization on disability inclusiveness including, Hope on Wheels Walk, wheelchair dinner dance, cultural activities, talent days, family fun days, reaching over 5000 beneficiaries.
- linkage to social protection initiatives such as Community Based Health Financing and NHIF
- Capacity building in life-skills to over 200 girls and women with disabilities
- Collaboration with stakeholders and key line Ministries in prevention messaging and provision of services such vaccinations and health screening, Home Testing and Counselling for HIV, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
- Community support interventions such as mother to mother support groups, HIV and AIDS support groups established
- Aiding devices accessed to over 1000 beneficiaries
Strategic Objective 1: Establish a functional state-of-the-art spinal injury rehabilitation and trauma centre in Kenya.
Strategic Objective 2: To enhance appropriate care, self-reliance and social inclusion PWDs, women and youth
Establishment of a rehabilitation center (Continued construction and equipping of the rehab center, Create linkages with partners, Mobilization of resources to complete phase one of the rehab center) Awareness creation of the center to the public (Outreaches to institutions e.g. Schools faith based organization, medical camps, Strategic partnerships for collaboration and networking and referral, Develop publicity materials)Achievements
- Ongoing construction of Phase I; (January 2017 to December 2017)
Strategic objective: To increase participation and representation of PWDs, women and youth in Governance and political processes.
Networking and collaboration (Identification and mobilization of stakeholders, Stakeholder forums, Exchange visits, County forums) Citizen engagement in governance and democratic processes. (Advocacy sessions, Civic education, Organization of CIGs to participate in public forums Engagement with county committees, Capacity building of duty bearers in disability responsiveness in planning budgeting and implementation of development projects, Development and dissemination of policies, Media initiative e.g. debates, dialogues forums, call-in sessions, social media platforms, media spots. Social Jusitce (Networking with existing paralegal networks, Localizing and dissemination of legal instruments, Legal aid clinics, Anti-stigma campaigns, Collaborations with safety nets) Engagement with national, regional, and international platforms (IT platform engagements, Exchange visits, Shared documentation and learning, Lobbying and advocacy sessions e.g. for rights, inclusion, access (ramps, pedestrian pavements)Achievements
- Increased civic and voter knowledge and awareness on rights and responsibilities enshrined in the Constitution and electoral processes.
- Increased participation, engagement and oversight by PWDs, women, and youth in governance at the county level.
- Increased participation and representation of women, youth and PWDs in political and governance processes.
- Enhanced service delivery, transparency and accountability
- Expanded democratic spaces for engagement of rights holders and duty bearers
- Shared documentation and learning’s for knowledge management with stakeholders
Strategic Objective: To improve socio-economic status of PWDs, women and youth.
Business Development support (Economic inclusion e.g. Job placements, vocational and technical training, Value chain enhancement, Linkage to MFIs, devolved funds and markets, Capacity building on entrepreneurships, Promote aggregation and collection centers)Achievements
- Economic inclusion e.g. job placements, start - up capital for small enterprises accessed to over 50 PWDs
- Enhanced innovation and management of enterprises,
- Increased aggregation and collection centers,